The Classical Greek philosopher Plato discusses five types of ruling regimes namely Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and Tyranny. Each one them has their own characteristics, period and society. Democracy being the most relevant one in today’s world.
A Democracy is upheld by the right of it's citizens to elect a political representative through their independent choice, that is through the process of election.
An election is “a formal and organised choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position". It is supposed to be a prestigious occurrence which establishes the fact that the government is “of the people, for the people and by the people".
Standing today in the 21st century , the faith of the worldwide population has been rattled in the fairness of elections , starting from the choice of candidates through elimination process rather than selection , the manipulation of mass through publicity stunts and sly tactics and the unnecessary and highly frightening display of violence.
The garish display of power is often exercised over the fundamental right to vote and often manipulation and deceit occur in the casting of a vote. A good number of people often decide against casting a vote and that is a clear and distinct indication of the terrible state of the selection of candidates and often the right to cast a vote under Universal Adult Franchise is exploited by the goons of particular political beliefs.
As the 2019 Lok Sabha elections end , we await with bated breath in order to see the results , whether the existing government returns or a new one brings in change. Whoever runs the government, we, the civilians, hope that we don't have to compromise about our Fundamental Rights and we can proudly present ourselves as the citizens of the largest democracy in the world.
The most astonishing of all is the stringent lookout for opposing thoughts and vocal opinions. The liberty of agnostic thinking is at jeopardy, the expression of opinions is discouraged rather than encouraged and there is the controlling invisible hands that terrorise us by threatening our security and often points a finger at our religion, caste and socioeconomic status rather than trying to establish their perspective intellectually.
Often the unlikely actions and the absence of dignity in our chosen leaders , make us stand on the pedestal of shame at our inability to elect inspiring leaders , sometimes the lack of calculated reflection in our fellow citizens lead us to accept someone as a leader who given a choice , we would not elect . Wise opinions are often suppressed by describing the sagacious person using vulgar and belittling adjectives. The ability to accept an opinion in an unbiased and neutral manner is slowly becoming extinct.
Our hopes unfortunately are also shadowed by the huge looming figure of repression, disguised dictatorship, and barbarity. The common people are often the victims of clashes between the political parties. The essential agenda of each political party should be the welfare of the people trusting in them whereas they often end up acting in a manner which causes the complete opposite. False promises made during propaganda and pretentious candidates are often used as baits for gathering the votes of the innocent and trusting citizens .
Abraham Lincoln had once said that "The ballot is stronger than the bullet" . The circumstances around us often leads us , the citizens , to think about whether the ballot is stronger or if really the bullet is the strongest.