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Sri Aurobindo Institute of Education Model United Nations

“I have been victimised for resisting and refusing the unwanted sexual advances of the CJI and my entire family has also been victimised and harassed due to that, including the loss of jobs and subsequently, arrest and torture in police custody. The CJI has misused his position, office and authority and abused his clout and power to influence the police”

In the case of the former Junior Court Assistant of the Supreme Court of India, who has come out with sexual harassment allegations against the Chief Justice of India, leaves a grave question unanswered – Is the Chief Justice of India guilty or not?

Nowadays , feminism is globally cropping up. Among all the positive outcomes of this movement, somewhere between the lines lies obscured the unscrupulous acts of malafide folks who misuse the situations to their own perverse, fraudulent needs. Now the question arises – Who is the victim in this situation: the accuser or the accused?

I am not here to be the judge of that adverse situation. Nor to be an arbiter about who should be blamed. No, I am here to discuss a very different issue, about the consequences about such a case.

Who is facing the most due to the scepticism of such a situation? - we common people. Our beliefs and faith are shaken right to its core. We do not know the ultimate denouement of the circumstance but just to think about a person whom you idolize being inculpated for such a dishonorable and nefarious activity, well it takes a toll.

The opinion of the major faction os society is that - nothing good is going to come out of this case. One if the Chief Justice of India did it, then it will be a huge blow to our Indian Parliament. We people have already grown cynical over the past few years for all those broken pledges our government leaders assured us to undertake, now such an instance will be the cherry top to our inner belligerence.

If on other hand the Chief Justice is absolved of all crimes he had been afflicted to, it will be still be a major blow not to the government only but also to the ' Humanity '. The idea of heaven we are trying to build on earth will be snapped into two. Our moral faith will be demolished. The act of people taking advantage of such situations just to bring one down is shameful and despicable . Such an act inspires negativity in others and the next time if someone actually faces such horrifying circumstance of harassment from an individual of higher authority, others may not believe him or her. Why would they? We live in a country where people utilize law and enforcement to their own unprincipled, unethical needs. India needs an insulation for every institution to maintain the democratic functioning of the republic. The way CJI handle the issue was a clear violation of natural justice which creates a cognitive dissonance in the minds of the people regarding the impartialty of the Supreme Court of India. If this persists the judiciary is bound to be in jeopardy which is synonymous to the breakdown of democratic values of the Indian Republic.




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